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Join date: 14 июны, 2018 аз


Atomy was first introduced to me as an opportunity a few years ago by a person name Don P. When I looked at it, I found it "too good to be true. I also thought that this business could not be that simple, and for months (9 months) I did not get involved with the company.

Then the holiday season came around, and Don gave me some Propolis toothpaste as a gift. At the time, I didn't know what propolis was, so I looked it up (googled it)... To make a long story short, I've been using the toothpaste ever since (about 3 years now), and sharing the good news with others.

I found out that the best way for me to share Atomy and its products with others are to first use them myself. In doing this, I'm able to know for sure if the product is good, or not. If I feel that a product is not good, I simply would not share it. And if the product is good, I genuinely share my experience of that product with others. This is the best way for me because my brother once told me that "what comes from the heart, reaches the heart." With this philosphhy in mind, I have been 100% successful with my delivery.

Fyi - I have not found a bad quality product from this company yet!

If you would like for the team and myself to help you try some products and help you share Atomy with others, or build a profitable business, you can email us below:

Thank you

Your Brother Hassan

Hassan Musaddiq

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